Living with a Clear Conscience -- Profitably!

The final motivation for the formation of Expercon was the disappointing observation of unethical acts in the business services sector. The proliferation of this behavior is, unfortunately, encouraged by society's infatuation of people with money -- regardless of how they obtained that money. We believe there are significant financial rewards to be obtained from the "integrity brand," and we intend to employ this belief to lead society -- by example -- back to a more trustworthy place. Essentially, we refer to this as the "integrity before money, and the money will follow" philosophy.

The importance of integrity is exemplified by the design of our logo. The overlapping sides of the shallow chevron graphically represent a "handshake." The Expercon name is placed on top of the chevron to demonstrate our goal to build Expercon on the strength of our trusting relationships with our clients. If you would like to operate under this type of partnership, then all you have to do is extend your hand to us.